Publications & Talks

Conference Papers

Reading small scalar data fields: color scales vs. Detail on Demand vs. FatFonts
Constant Manteau, Miguel A. Nacenta, Michael Mauderer
In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface Conference,  2017 (in press)
(pdf, DOI)

Let’s Play My Way: Investigating Audience Influence in User-Generated Gaming Live-Streams
Pascal Lessel, Michael Mauderer, Christian Wolff, Antonio Krüger
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, 2017 (in press)

Gaze-contingent Manipulation of Color Perception
Michael Mauderer, David R. Flatla and Miguel A. Nacenta
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2016
(pdf, DOI, video preview)

Depth Perception with Gaze-contingent Depth of Field  Honorable Mention Award
Michael Mauderer, Simone Conte, Miguel A. Nacenta and Dhanraj Vishwanath.
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, 2014
(pdf, DOI, video preview)

Is Autostereoscopy Useful for Handheld AR? Nominated for Best Paper Award 
Frederic Kerber, Pascal Lessel, Michael Mauderer, Florian Daiber, Antti Oulasvirta and Antonio Krüger.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, ACM, 2013


Workshop Submissions

Beyond Accessibility: Lifting Perceptual Limitations for Everyone
Michael Mauderer, Garreth W. Tigwell, Benjamin M. Gorman, David R. Flatla
CHI ’17 Workshop on Amplification and Augmentation of Human Perception (pdf)

Utility of Gaze-contingent DOF Blur for Depth Perception
Michael Mauderer, Simone Conte and Miguel Nacenta.
ITS 2013 Workshop on Visual Adaptation of Interfaces (pdf)

Combining Touch and Gaze for Distant Selection in a Tabletop Setting
Michael Mauderer, Florian Daiber and Antonio Krüger.
CHI 2013 Workshop on Gaze Interaction in the Post-WIMP World (pdf)


Talks, Demos & Poster

Exhibit: Deepview
SICSA DEMOfest, 2013, Edinburgh, UK

Poster: Deepview: Enhancing Perception with Eye-tracking
SICSA Summer School on Computational Interaction, 2015, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Madness Session: Deepview: Enhancing Perception with Eye-Tracking
SICSA HCI All Hands Meeting, 2015, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK

Poster: Deepview: Enhancing Perception with Eye-tracking
PhD Poster Session, 2015, School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK

Talk: Depth Perception with Gaze-contingent Depth of Field
SICSA HCI Pre-CHI day, 2014, Glasgow, UK

Talk: Using Gaze-contingent Depth of Field to Facilitate Depth Perception
Scottish Vision Group Meeting, 2014, Troon, UK.

Tech Demo
SICSA All-Hands Meeting, 2014, Dundee, UK

Talk: Depth Perception with Gaze-contingent Depth of Field
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2014, Toronto, Canada

Poster: Depth perception with Gaze-contingent Depth of Field
PhD Poster Session, 2014, School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK

Talk: Utility of Gaze-contingent DOF Blur for Depth Perception
ITS Workshop on Visual Adaptation of Interfaces, 2013, St Andrews, UK

Exhibit: Deepview – Using Eye Tracking to Create Enhanced Displays
SICSA DEMOfest, 2013, Glasgow, UK

Madness Session: Deepview
SICSA MMI All Hands Meeting, 2013, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Poster: Perceptual Gaze-contingent Displays
PhD Poster Session, 2013, School of Computer Science, St Andrews, UK